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Showing posts by John Schaust, Chief Naturalist

October 2, 2013
The Joy of Watching Birds and Birdwatchers!
By John Schaust, Chief Naturalist | Partnerships
A few weeks ago it was my distinct honor to be one of the presenters and field trip leaders at the 2013 Midwest Birding Symposium in Lakeside, Ohio, on the south shore of Lake Erie. For hundreds of bird watchers, this gathering is a highlight of their birding year as the weekend is chocked full
May 22, 2013
Warbler Magic
By John Schaust, Chief Naturalist | Birds
He must have had a strong premonition! A few weeks ago (May 3) my colleague Brian posted a blog entitled, “Competitive Birding for Conservation.” He wrote about Team WBU’s upcoming Birdathon with high hopes and expectations and he questioned if we could surpass a total of 150 birds. The reality is that we tallied exactly
April 24, 2013
Inspire New Bird Watchers
By John Schaust, Chief Naturalist | Events
While I have been accused of being a little dramatic at times, I believe that having the gift of birds and the beauty of nature as part of our daily life provides for a lifetime of inspiration and joy. Sharing your passion for birds with others can be a simple act, but it can have
Bluebird, Bird Photo, Wild Birds Unlimited, WBU
March 22, 2013
Bluebird Alert!
By John Schaust, Chief Naturalist | Birds
It is hard to imagine, but the Wild Birds Unlimited corporate office sits in the middle of a fairly sterile suburban setting. It wasn’t always so. When WBU, Inc. moved into its current office space almost 20 years ago, the area surrounding it was mostly undeveloped fields, pasture and woodland. Prime bluebird habitat. But as
Carolina Wren, Bird Photo, Wild Birds Unlimited, WBU
March 15, 2013
Making a Difference in March
By John Schaust, Chief Naturalist | Birds
Well, we finally had a real winter! After the past few incredibly mild winters, this year’s cold and snow has been a little rough to take. And usually by this time in March, signs of spring are busting out all over. Usually, but not this year! One of few hints of spring that is happening
Great Horned Owl, Bird Photo, Wild Birds Unlimited, WBU
January 16, 2013
Touched by Owls
By John Schaust, Chief Naturalist | Birds
I sometimes question my decision to live and work within the boundaries of a large city. The need for daily interaction with nature is inescapable for me, and that can be tough in a suburban setting. That is why I love this time of year when one of my most spine tingling interactions with nature