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Allergen Statement

Wild Birds Unlimited branded bird food products may contain one or all of the following allergens: Peanuts, Milk Products, Tree Nuts, Soy, Fish, Shellfish, Wheat and Eggs.

Peanut/Tree Nut Allergies and Bird Food
We occasionally get questions from customers and owners asking what bird food/seed is safe for them to offer if they or a family member has a peanut and/or tree nut allergy.

Unfortunately, the facilities that process our WBU bird food products use the same equipment to process both bird foods without peanuts as well as bird foods that do contain peanuts and tree nuts. As a result, all our seed based products processed in this equipment must be assumed to have been potentially contaminated with small amounts of peanut/tree nut debris. Thus, all of our seed based products must be considered unsafe for allergic individuals.

Our seed cylinders, Bark Butter products and suet products include an allergen statement on their labels and our seed bags also include an allergen statement in addition to an ingredient list specific to each product.

Our recommendation to these customers is to offer nectar, fruit and mealworms.