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Home | The Seventh Season of the WBU Owl Cam has Concluded

Bye Bye Babies! It’s been fun to watch Joy, Kindness, and Hope grow up during the seventh season of the WBU Owl Cam.

The owls returned to the nest box this spring. Three eggs were laid in mid-March then hatched in mid-April. From incubation, to bringing all sorts of food to the nest box, preening, and more–Mama and Papa Owl were both very busy taking care of Joy, Kindness, and Hope. The owlets grew and grew, then finally fledged in mid-May. Just like that, the season ended just as quickly as it began.

2020 Owl Cam Timeline: 

Mama Owl checked out the box on: February 11, 2020.

First egg laid: March 9, 2020
Second egg laid: March 11, 2020
Third egg laid: March 14, 2020

Incubation typically lasts 28 – 33 days from when the first or second egg is laid.

First egg hatched: Joy, the owlet, hatched about 2:30 am on April 11, 2020
Second egg hatched: Kindness, the owlet, hatched about 10:00 pm on April 11, 2020
Third egg hatched: Hope, the owlet, hatched about 3:00 pm on April, 14, 2020

First Owlet fledged: Joy fledged at 6:03 am on May 15, 2020
Second Owlet fledged: Kindness fledged at 6:12 am on May 16, 2020
Third Owlet fledged: Hope fledged at 6:15 am on May 17, 2020

Thank you everyone for watching this year’s Owl Cam! See you next year!