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Northern Flicker on WBU Heated Bird Bath

We carry so many bird baths it is hard to describe exactly what you might find at our stores.
Bird baths and bird fountains are made out of every conceivable material, in every shape and size and can be placed anywhere you wish: on pedestals, chains, or decks. We have recirculating fountains, big and small.




Bird Bath Accessories

We carry several types of heaters for different needs and budgets. These heaters keep your bird bath thawed during extensive below-freezing periods and provide much needed water to birds during the winter. A source of water in the winter can attract as many birds as bird seed!

Drippers, Misters
We carry several types of Drippers and Misters. We also carry bird bath and leaf misters. A source of dripping or misting water is highly attractive to the birds and can keep your bath water fresh with less maintenance.

Water Wiggler™
Moving water gets a bird’s attention. The Water Wiggler creates ripples in your bird bath, announcing the water’s presence, while also preventing mosquitoes from laying eggs. No plumbing is required, and since it runs on batteries, there’s no extra wiring.

Visit your local Wild Birds Unlimited Store or shop online at MyWBU to see and learn more about our high-quality bird bath and bird fountain products.