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Home | Episode 51: Habitat: Can You Really Make a Difference

WBU Podcast

Habitat, habitat, habitat! That’s right, there’s more to learn about our own little natural parks we call our backyards. John and Brian share exciting new research on just how much of an impact an individual can make for local wildlife. Hint, it’s a lot! Stay tuned to the end to find out if we could see the dodo again in our lifetimes. 

Scientific Article
The Gardening for Wildlife Enhances Bird Diversity Beyond Your Own Back Yard article speaks to the study that we talk about, “Residential yard management and landscape cover affect urban bird community diversity across the continental USA.” 

Native Plant Resources
Make your yard a Certified Wildlife Habitat   

Click here to learn about gardening for birds In Canada. 

Not sure where to start? There are several websites to find native plants by zip code:  

  • NWF Native Plant Finder – Find plants that host the highest numbers of butterflies and moths to feed birds and other wildlife where you live.  
  • Birds Canada, Gardening for Birds – Help birds while making your garden more beautiful and eco-friendly. Explore the extensive Plant Selector or just the quick list of 10 plant species for your specific Bird Garden Zone. Also perfect for many states that are close to Canada.   
  • Audubon Native Plant Data Base – Explore the best plants for birds in your area, as well as local resources and links to more information.  
  • Native Plant Nursery Directory – View a list of potential local native plant nurseries and sources of native plants, broken down by state. 
  • Check with local organizations (parks, nurseries) and your local Wild Birds Unlimited store for seasonal native plant sales or sale locations. 

Other episodes that are all about native plants 
Episode 28: Pollinators: Monarchs and Mason Bees
Episode 25: Habitat Habits: From Buds to Birds
Episode 9: Create a Bird-Friendly Habitat

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