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Home | Bird Feeding in the Fall

Bird feeding in the fall is a little different than feeding in the summer. As we get ready for colder temperatures and birds begin migrating south, here are six bird feeding tips to get the most out of feeding in the fall.

Fall Bird Feeding

  1. Add sunflower seeds (in and out of the shell) to your food offering each fall to cater to caching behaviors of jays, chickadees, titmice and nuthatches.
  2. Offer Jim’s Birdacious® Bark Butter® and a water feature to attract migrating warblers.
  3. When Dark-eyed Juncos arrive or increase in numbers in the Fall, alter your feeding program to include more millet in a feeder near the ground.
  4. Keep up nectar feeders for winter hummingbirds or migrating stragglers.
  5. Offer Winter SuperBlend seed blend or seed cylinder to help the birds survive short daylight hours and colder weather.
  6. When bird activity is greater or extreme weather is about to arrive, expand the number of foods and feeders you offer.

Remember that migration, food preferences, and weather vary throughout the year and influence bird activity at your feeders. What kind of birds are you seeing at your feeders this fall?

Visit your local WBU store to learn more about bird feeding in the fall.