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Supplier Interest

We appreciate your interest in wanting to learn more about how to become a recommended supplier for our stores.  The following is a brief overview of our franchise model, as well as a way to provide current information to be considered as a recommended supplier.

Wild Birds Unlimited is the largest bird feeding franchise system in North America. It consists of over 340 independently owned and operated retail stores throughout the United States and Canada.  In order to have your product recommended for sale throughout the Wild Birds Unlimited system, it must be reviewed and approved by the Product Support department at the Franchise Support Center.

Our organization does not use a centralized system for purchasing and distributing merchandise; rather, suppliers work directly with each of our franchisees.  Each franchisee is responsible for his/her store’s purchases and supplier invoices and each supplier is responsible for shipping their product directly to each individual store. The Franchise Support Center provides support and direction for the successful operation of the stores by providing information for recommended suppliers, however, they all individually make their own buying decisions.

If you are able to meet and supply to our individual store needs, please complete the following supplier form to submit your information to our Franchise Support Center. If we have interest in recommending your product to the entire system, we will contact you within the next few weeks, otherwise if you are not recommended for the entire system, you may reach out to stores individually to introduce your product.

Become a Wild Birds Unlimited Supplier

Interested in becoming a supplier? Please fill out the form below.

"*" indicates required fields

Is Product Handmade or Manufactured?
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 50 MB.
      (If available)
      Do you currently sell your product in any Wild Birds Unlimited Stores?