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Home | Episode 48: State of the Union: Our Winter Birds

WBU Podcast

Have new birds? Have no birds? John and Brian will fill you in on the state of our union … at least as it pertains to backyard birding. Listen in to find out who is seeing what and where across North America, and find out how squirrels actually help our backyard birds. 

Birds Mentioned (click the links for maps on where to see them)
Warblers: Yellow-rumped, Townsend’s
Hummingbirds: Anna’s, Costa’s
Dark-eyed Junco 
Sparrows: White-throated, Golden-crowned, White-crowned, Song
Blackbirds: European Starling, Red-winged Blackbird 

Products Mentioned
Bark Butter
Tray Feeders
Foundational Feeders  

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