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Home | Episode 8: Goldfinches

WBU Podcast

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Nature Centered: A Podcast from Wild Birds Unlimited
Episode 8: The Goldfinches of Summer
August 20, 2020

There are three species of goldfinches across North America and they’re a joy to see when they visit your backyard. But some people consider goldfinches “finicky,” when in fact they are just very adaptable to their environment. In this podcast by Wild Birds Unlimited, hosts John Schaust and Brian Cunningham share tips for how to improve your chances of attracting goldfinches by offering their favorite foods and by creating a favorable habitat.

Video: Relax and Enjoy Watching Goldfinches https://www.wbu.com/nature-centered/goldfinches
Video: How to Attract Goldfinches  https://www.wbu.com/how-to-videos/attract-goldfinches-video
Video: Best Foods for Feeding Goldfinches https://www.wbu.com/how-to-videos/best-foods-feeding-goldfinches-video
WBU Finch Blend https://order.wbu.com//bird-food/bird-seed/finch-blend-bird-seed
WBU SunFire Chips https://order.wbu.com/shop/bird-food/bird-seed/sunfire-chips
Nyjer https://order.wbu.com/shop/bird-food/bird-seed/nyjer
WBU Finch Feeders https://order.wbu.com/shop/bird-feeders/finch-feeders
NWF Native Plant Finder https://www.nwf.org/NativePlantFinder/Plants
NWF Certified Wildlife Habitat Program: https://www.wbu.com/certify-your-yard