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Home | Help Your Birds Survive Extreme Heat & Drought Video Transcript

Video Transcript: Help Your Birds Survive Extreme Heat & Drought

(Description: As the video begins, the Wild Birds Unlimited jingle plays and the company logo fades in on the screen. The video title is displayed, “How to Help Your Birds Survive Extreme Heat & Drought.” A male naturalist from Wild Birds Unlimited is shown demonstrating various bird feeding products.)

[Speaker] Extreme heat and extreme drought – those conditions are tough on us and they’re tough on our birds. Your bird feeding experts here are Wild Birds Unlimited would like to give you some tips on how to help your birds stay healthy and happy during these extreme conditions.

First and foremost…water. Having a clean supply of water is the most important thing you can do for your birds. Food is also important. A regular, reliable supply of food will replace some of the natural food they’ll be losing during these extreme conditions.

As for hummingbirds – nectar is critically important. Hummingbird feeders will replace the nectar of many of our plants that are failing due to drought conditions.

And for woodpeckers, if you are feeding suet right now, you may want to consider using a suet dough product that resists melting during these extreme high temperatures.

So there are some tips on how to keep your birds happy and healthy during these extreme conditions.

(Description: As the video closes, the Wild Birds Unlimited logo appears on the screen and the music fades.)