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Home | Help Your Birds Survive Extreme Winter Weather Video Transcript

Video Transcript: Help Your Birds Survive Extreme Winter Weather

(Description: As the video begins, the Wild Birds Unlimited jingle plays and the company logo fades in on the screen. The video title is displayed, “How to Help Birds Survive Extreme Winter Weather.” A male naturalist from Wild Birds Unlimited is shown demonstrating various bird feeding products.)

[Speaker] Just as we rely on coats, hats and mittens to survive winter’s icy grip, birds can also survive the winter. But when it comes to these extreme winter weather conditions, studies have shown that bird feeders truly can make the difference between life and death for the birds.

And it’s all about the bird food. Food provides them the energy and stamina and nutrition that they need. As the birds eat throughout the day, they’ll convert that food into fat and they’ll store up to ten percent of their body weight in fat. But they’re going to burn off all that fat overnight and then have to start the whole process over again the next day. So you can provide some great foods like a No-Mess blend which doesn’t have any shells so the birds can come in and get a quick, easy meal. Also offering Suet, Bark Butter and Bark Butter Bits are high fat foods that are going to give good energy and good warmth for the birds.

So you can play a vital role in helping the birds survive these winter weather conditions by coming into the store today and we’ll help you pick out all the right foods to help your birds.

(Description: As the video closes, the Wild Birds Unlimited logo appears on the screen and the music fades.)