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Unknown Bird Illness

Update 9/10/2021: The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has given the all clear to resume feeding wild birds in all counties across the state. Click here to read the entire statement.

The Ohio Division of Wildlife has lifted its previous recommendation to stop feeding birds. However, caution and vigilance are always necessary to help prevent further spread of diseases at bird feeders. Reports of sick or dead birds possibly affected with the mysterious bird illness in Ohio have slowed considerably. A majority of birds reported with the illness were immature or fledgling birds, and the breeding season is now primarily over. Click here to read the entire statement.

Update 9/2/2021: MassWildlife in the State of Massachusetts gave the OK to resume feeding birds in that state. Included in their statement was the following: “Although there were some reports of sick birds showing symptoms consistent with the mystery illness, it was not confirmed to be found in Massachusetts.”  Also, “Based on current knowledge, there is no indication that bird feeders and baths are contributing to the spread of this recent illness….If you choose to resume feeding birds, MassWildlife advises taking certain bird health and safety precautions.”  To view the full official statement from MassWildlife click here.

New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife gave the OK to resume feeding birds in that state. Included in their statement was the following: “Occurrences of the mysterious songbird illness and mortality event have been steadily declining in the state to the extent that the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife is no longer recommending discontinuing use of bird feeders and baths for those residents that had sick or dead fledglings or hatchlings on their property.” To view the full official statement from the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife click here.

Important: See 9/10/2021 update to this post shown above.
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has now given the OK to resume feeding the birds in 83 counties across the state. Tippecanoe, Hancock, and Carroll counties in Indiana are now clear to feed the birds. (In a previous update, those counties were asked to keep their feeders down.) They are continuing to ask residents of the remaining counties to keep their feeders down while the investigation into what is killing songbirds continues. Those counties include Allen, Hamilton, Hendricks, Johnson, Lake, Marion, Monroe, Porter, St. Joseph. To view the full statement from the Indiana DNR click here.

Update 8/24/2021: The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control has given the OK to resume feeding birds. Residents who choose to resume feeding birds and providing water in bird baths should remain vigilant and follow standard cleanliness guidelines. Click here to read the entire statement.

Update 8/20/2021: The Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Services has given the OK to resume feeding birds. The department strongly encourages all residents with bird feeders and birdbaths to continue cleaning them on a regular basis and to be on the lookout for any signs of disease in visiting birds. Should signs of disease appear, the department recommends taking down and disinfecting the feeders and birdbaths at that location. Click here to read the entire statement.

The Virginia Department of Natural Resources has given the OK to resume feeding birds in all counties. Residents that choose to feed birds or provide water in bird baths should remain vigilant for avian mortalities and consider the following best practice guidelines. Click here to read the entire statement.

Important: See 9/2/2021 update to this post shown above.
8/19/2021: Floyd, Clark & Morgan counties in Indiana are now clear to feed the birds. Click here to read the updated statement.

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has given the OK to resume feeding the birds in 79 counties across the state. They ask residents of the remaining counties keep their feeders down while the investigation into what is killing songbirds continues. Those counties include Allen, Carroll, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Lake, Marion, Monroe, Porter, St. Joseph, Tippecanoe, Whitley.

8/17/2021: The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has given the OK to resume feeding birds. Residents who choose to resume feeding birds and providing water in bird baths should remain vigilant and follow standard cleanliness guidelines. Click here to read the entire statement.

8/16/2021: On 8/13/21, the Pennsylvania Game Commission issued a statement giving the “all clear” to resume bird feeding activities. With cases of the unknown bird illness rapidly declining across the state, the agency stated, “…research has ruled out many potential causes and there is no indication that feeding birds or maintaining bird baths were contributing factors.” The standard recommendation to keep bird feeders and bird baths clean remains in place. For tips, see Responsible Bird Feeding. 

8/13/2021: On 8/7/2021, we shared a video from naturalist David Mizejewski from the National Wildlife Federation. In that video he stated that it was, “probably safe if you want to put your bird feeders back out and your bird baths back out.” David has since posted a follow-up video to clarify and apologize for being overly-optimistic when he made that statement. Even though we shared the video, Wild Birds Unlimited included advice to, “follow local authorities recommendations and practice safe bird feeding.”

Important: See 8/19/2021 update to this post shown above.
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources has given the OK to resume feeding the birds in 76 counties across the state. They ask residents of the remaining counties keep their feeders down while the investigation into what is killing songbirds continues. Those counties include Allen, Carroll, Clark, Floyd, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Lake, Marion, Monroe, Morgan, Porter, St. Joseph, Tippecanoe, Whitley. Click here to read the entire statement.

Important: See 8/13/2021 update to this post shown above.
More encouraging news about bird feeding and the mysterious bird illness reported earlier this summer in parts of the eastern US. Watch this video from naturalist David Mizejewski from the National Wildlife Federation. Please follow local authorities recommendations and practice safe bird feeding.

8/2/2021: Encouraging Update Regarding Unknown Bird Illness | Cornell Experts Not Overly Alarmed by Mysterious Songbird Sickness

Dear Friends, 

We know that you love your backyard birds and that you’ve been anxious for an update regarding the mysterious bird illness reported across several states this spring and summer. We’re happy to report some very encouraging news from Cornell University experts quoted in a recent article titled “Cornell Experts Not Overly Alarmed by Mysterious Songbird Sickness.” 

The article quotes Elizabeth Bunting, Senior Extension Associate at the Cornell Wildlife Health Lab as saying, “Over the course of weeks, no one was finding anything infectious. They did a lot of testing but could not come up with any disease process, and the rehabilitators were telling us they were trying antibiotics and things like that, but they did not have great effectiveness.” 

Now for the encouraging news! According to Bunting, “Information coming out of the National Wildlife Health Center and some of the other states said that the cases were declining all of a sudden. That would not be typical of an infectious disease outbreak. You wouldn’t expect an infectious disease to just spontaneously go away. The distribution of states where this spontaneously popped up was an exact match for the cicada emergence map, and it is a very strange distribution of states for this kind of outbreak.” 

Researchers will continue to monitor and study the situation, but the article says, “Bunton [sic] expressed that the outbreak should not be a cause of alarm. The diminishing outbreak does not pose any safety threats to humans, nor does it threaten the stability of the various songbird species.” 

The health and well-being of birds is our number one priority! The key to keeping birds safe is to ALWAYS keep bird feeders and bird baths clean and to follow recommendations for Responsible Bird Feeding. 

We believe that a caring, observant public, which our WBU customers most definitely are, actually helps provide valuable information in the effort to help #SaveTheSongBirds in these situations. 

We will continue share updates as they become available. Thank you for your many expressions of concern for Wild Birds Unlimited and for all you do to care for the birds in your backyard. 

We encourage you to share this information with anyone who finds joy in feeding and watching our feathered friends. 

7/28/2021: As reported in the media, there have been recent accounts of bird deaths due to unknown causes. The deceased birds were originally found in the Washington DC area this spring and have since been reported in parts of Virginia*, Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana.

*Important: See 8/20/2021 update to this post shown above. As of July 28, 2021 the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources issued a statement announcing that reported instances of the bird illness have dropped significantly. As a result, they continue to recommend that people still discontinue bird feeding in the affected areas which include Alexandria, Arlington, Clarke, Fairfax, Falls Church, Fauquier, Frederick, Loudoun, Manassas, Prince William, Shenandoah, Warren, and Winchester. For the remainder of the state, Virginia DWR advises removing bird feeders any time multiple dead birds are observed on a property over a short period of time.

Wildlife officials are actively looking for answers. At this time, the scale of the outbreak and the cause of the bird mortalities is undetermined. Several Federal and State agencies are conducting laboratory tests and have ruled out many of the typical diseases that can impact song birds.

Because there are several unknowns, we suggest that you look to your State wildlife officials for their recommendations about feeding birds in your backyard at this time. Please report any birds you observe exhibiting swollen, crusty eyes and balance/neurological issues to your State wildlife officials.

Resources for Affected States:

At Wild Birds Unlimited we want to be part of the solution. The health and well-being of birds is our number one priority! As with past bird diseases or infections, we believe that a caring, observant public, which our WBU customers most definitely are, actually helps provide valuable information in the effort to help save the song birds in these situations.

The key is to ALWAYS be a responsible bird bird-feeding hobbyist. Keep your bird feeders and bird baths clean! Please refer to our recommendations for Responsible Bird Feeding.

We also encourage you to read this information provided by The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.