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Seed Cylinders

No-Mess Seed Cylinder, Bird Food, Wild Birds Unlimited, WBU
Cranberry Seed Cylinder, Bird Food, Wild Birds Unlimited, WBU
Supreme Seed Cylinder, Bird Food, Wild Birds Unlimited, WBU
Safflower Seed Cylinder, Bird Food, Wild Birds Unlimited, WBU
Nutty For Nuts Seed Cylinder, Bird Food, Wild Birds Unlimited, WBU
Nutty for Nuts
Woodpecker Seed Cylinder, Bird Food, Wild Birds Unlimited, WBU
Hot Pepper Seed Cylinder, Bird Food, Wild Birds Unlimited, WBU
Hot Pepper
Bug Nut & Berry Seed Cylinder, Bird Food, Wild Birds Unlimited, WBU
Bug, Nut & Berry

No Shells. 100% Edible.

No-Mess Cylinder

Seed Cylinders are the easiest, longest-lasting way to feed your birds.

Packed with sunflower chips, peanuts, tree nuts, and cherries, our No-Mess Seed Cylinder will entice a variety of birds and is a tidy dining option that they will enjoy. No shells means no mess and no wasted food, making this seed cylinder a great value.

Includes Cranberries

Cranberry Cylinder

Seed Cylinders are the easiest, longest-lasting way to feed your birds.

Our Cranberry Seed Cylinder is packed with pecans, sunflower chips, peanuts, safflower, black oil sunflower and cranberries – everything you need to get lots of birds to visit your backyard.

Sunflower & Nut Treat

Supreme Cylinder

Seed Cylinders are the easiest, longest-lasting way to feed your birds.

Packed with pecans, peanuts, black oil and sunflower chips, our Supreme Cylinder will entice a variety of birds.

The Problem Solver

Safflower Cylinder

Seed Cylinders are the easiest, longest-lasting way to feed your birds.

Our Safflower Cylinder is made completely of safflower seed. It attracts birds such as chickadees, titmice, cardinals, House Finches and more. It’s a problem solver, too since safflower is typically not preferred by animals that may cause problems at your feeders — grackles, blackbirds and squirrels.

Peanuts and Tree Nuts

Nutty for Nuts Cylinder

Seed Cylinders are the easiest, longest-lasting way to feed your birds.

Made of almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, pecans, walnuts, roasted peanuts and added calcium, our Nutty for Nuts® Cylinder is perfect for attracting nut-eating birds.

Woodpeckers’ Favorite

Woodpecker Cylinder

Seed Cylinders are the easiest, longest-lasting way to feed your birds.

Made of tree nuts, black oil sunflower, and Bark Butter® Bits, our Woodpecker Cylinder is perfect for attracting nut-eating birds, especially woodpeckers, nuthatches and chickadees.

Sunflower & Nut Treat

Hot Pepper Cylinder

Seed Cylinders are the easiest, longest-lasting way to feed your birds.

Made of tree nuts, black oil sunflower, sunflower chips, peanuts, and hot pepper, the Hot Pepper Cylinder is perfect for enticing a wide variety of birds to your yard, while deterring squirrels.

Includes Mealworms

Bug, Nut & Berry Cylinder

Seed Cylinders are the easiest, longest-lasting way to feed your birds.

Our Bug, Nut & Berry Cylinder is packed with mealworms, tree nuts, sunflower chips, peanuts, raisins, and cranberries – everything you need to get lots of birds to visit your backyard.