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Filtering posts by: Feeding
May 22, 2023
Give Mom Bugs for Birds?
By WBU Inc | Feeding
Bugs? The perfect gift for mom? Really?           OK, this one is going to take some explaining! In reality, there are lots of reasons why you should seriously consider such a seemingly preposterous suggestion. You see…birds love bugs, and moms love birds. When your yard and feeders offer an abundant source of
January 17, 2023
Helping to Tame Winter for Your Birds 
By WBU Inc | Feeding, Hobby
A high fat diet…the medical books say it’s just not good for us. Well, it’s a good thing that birds can’t read! Because a diet high in fat is an absolute necessity for many of them to be able to survive the rigors of winter. For birds, fat is fuel. It is the most concentrated
December 12, 2022
Holiday Traditions
By WBU Inc | Feeding, Hobby
Family traditions…in many ways these are what make the holidays so highly anticipated and uniquely special. Maybe it’s that very special meal, complete with all of your family’s favorite recipes and fixings. Heaven forbid if someone goes rogue and changes the menu! Perhaps it’s the tradition of a house filled with holiday music and the
September 9, 2022
Caching: Remember or Die!
By WBU Inc | Feeding
Would you stake your life on your memory? For many of us, probably not! But if forced to, how would you deal with a situation where the ability to remember where you put some food would be the difference between life and death? Well, if you could mimic a chickadee, you would simply grow more
Carolina Chickadee, bird photo, Wild Birds Unlimited, WBU
April 4, 2022
Birds & Plants: The Choices We Make Matter
By WBU Inc | Birds, Feeding
You may be thinking, “So, what is the big deal with so-called native plants? A plant is a plant. What possible difference can it make as to the choice of plants I use to landscape my yard? How can a beautiful plant not be good for birds and other wildlife?” Great question. Simple answer…bird food!